Hello, world! I'm Eugenie Nzodjou!

Cinema Classics Movie Reviews

Review: Basketball Dog (2018)

4 out of 5 stars

From director Vicki Fleming comes the heartwarming tale of a boy named Pete (Trent Dugson) and his dog Rover (voiced by Brinson Lumblebrunt). You may think a boy and his dog learning the true value of friendship sounds familiar, but a big twist sets this flick apart: Rover plays basketball, and he's doggone good at it.

While it may not have been necessary to include all 150 minutes of Rover's championship game in real time, Basketball Dog will keep your interest for the entirety of its 4-hour runtime, and the end will have any dog lover in tears. If you love basketball or sports pets, this is the movie for you.

Find the full cast listing at the Basketball Dog website.

8 Bit Generation - The Commodore Wars - Documentary (2016)

5 out of 5 stars

From director Tomaso Walliser comes the heartwarming tale of a company that almost changed the world. Commodore as it was called, shocked the world and shepard society into the 8-bit generation. The work this company would do, would lead to the technology we use to this day.

This film is a 100 minutes of tech, truths, friendships, and boss-employee dynamics. If 100 minutes seems like a long time, don't worry about it. This movie is so engaing you'll never want to miss a second. Learn more at imdb.com!